MUK has been launching this program from the very beginning by giving high priority and CDD and Jatio Protibandhy Foundation have extended their technical and financial cooperation to the initiative. In 2017 with technical and financial support of CDD, 10 orientation meetings and advocacy meetings held with the beneficiaries and concerned Govt. officials. Through this program skill develop steps were taken for the Public/local government representatives, MUK management staffs and field level staffs. In the last financial year 4 people’s representatives, 2 staffs and 2 leaders from the civil society received Training through SCAN Program, 65 persons came under survey activitiy.35 persons with disability got device support, 155 persons received medical supports by mobile clinic and even in every union information board is installed. MUK took part in survey work compelled by the Government and also organized yard meeting, seminar and community meeting in the schools. Through the implementation of the program hundreds of inhabitant became aware on the rights of the persons with disability and worldview of the people in general to the changed positively.